We are gently winding Soft Drive down.. to help us see the project out and help it blur into the next here are some Images by Lindsay Ward from our exhibitions..
Ellie Chaney's Embroidered Gloves and Ulverston Lockdown Anthology; Alex Blackmore's box Constructions of Ulverston's streets and John Hall and Sue Fletcher's Tent.
Our thanks to Ulverston Community Enterprises for the use of their sites for safe and socially distanced events. and to everyone who has taken part, provided ideas, skills and material and had things to say..
"A fabulous project, tapping into the towns communal memory.. an organic thing, changing all the time, drawing on the personal, the civic, and what's been going on in the last few months as well." (BBC Radio)
"Artspace came to Ulverston’s Market Hall in December 2020. It was wonderful. The stall was adorned with a variety of visual arts that almost spoke to you. It was great to see people engaging with the pieces and enjoying the display as a whole. Taking place during the COVID crisis, it brought a joy to the market.The organisation was faultless, and COVID-secure. It was a positive experience all round. Thank you Artspace, we hope you return again."
(Exhibition host, Ulverston Community Enterprises)
"The project has enormous benefits to our school .We are so grateful to be able to continue with the project during lockdown, and we hope we can take part next year."
(Staff member, Partner school)
"Dear Dominic thank you for making me more confident about performing in front of people.
I enjoyed hearing all the stories and learning different ways you can tell stories.
Dear John Thank you for organizing all the stuff to do it, I hope we can do it next year."
(Participating pupils)
"Psychogeography in Barrow. Very interesting to do. Well done for sticking to our route and not insisting we go to the 'authentic' Barrow. ….This Activity helped us to see and understand differently. It would be good to introduce this to Architecture and Urban Design degree." (Participant, University of Cumbria)
There will be more chances to see this work. It will take its place in the Sir John Barrow Cottage and we are planning a tour of other public domain sites and local schools when they re-open.
Here too is the video we made with Dominic Kelly for Furness Traditions festival, a piece of work that reminds us that while we were unable to work as closely with our community as might have wished, we were able to extend our reach into it due to Dominic's efforts..
Your thoughts are welcome...on the work, on what we might do next and where...contact us at artspacebarrow@gmail.com or via this blog....we have ideas in development, to do with locality. history and the popular imagination..
Look out for our project book too for the artists own stories behind the work, and the many other events and partnerships that took place within it it..ghost stories, schools projects, workshops. Kamishibai storytelling, pyschogeography and recording the NHS applause nights and more..
£8 from us or at Suttons Books, Ulverston.
See you all soon. Look after yourselves and each other.
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