Cathy Sullivan; 5 Kamishibai stories.

Storyteller Cathy Sullivan has been recording her Kamishibai stories for us as part of our Storyfair project, and we thought we'd send them out to anyone with young children to entertain.  

Here are..

Jerry the Giraffe Grows Up 

Jonty and Marley                 

The Story Of Cracked Pot

One Day Of Ulverston Station 

The Three Magic Charms

Here is a video with bit more information about the Kamishibai tradition. The word means Paper Play, and the storytelling method combines spoken word with still images viewed through a special cabinet.

Cathy also recommends  a beautiful book by Alan Say, called Kamishibai Man..there are a few you tube videos of readings but the book is well worth getting. Shop around. If you are in Ulverston Suttons Bookshop  will order it for you.

And if you are feeling crafty, here are two sets of downloadable instructions for making your own Kamishibai theatre from a small box...
