"Put some texture on the roads. gritty acrylic mix for the 1880's & some bibbly bits for the 1900's cobbles.
Gave them both a coat of grey spray paint
That helps visually pull things together & shows up any gaps & splits in the plastic.
chucked some more paint on, to cover the new cuts & patches. ( have a colour matched acrylic to the spray can, its fairly close to the eye. But when its photographed, then it looks blue.)
That helps visually pull things together & shows up any gaps & splits in the plastic.
Then sorted out the gaps & splits & moved a few bits around to fix the perspective.
At some point during this had a few sessions making fiddly bits, lights & well mostly its street lights, using Milliput & 2mm plasticard.
Milliput is a epoxy for car body repairs, but its top for small sculpts.
Then got the airbrush set up & a pot of white paint plugged in & gave scenes a Zenithal highlight, so that's holding the airbrush where the Sun would be in relation to the sculpt & spraying from there, so the paint sprays over the surfaces like the light would fall across them, gives a highlight & shadow effect.
Then been pootling about with acrylic glazes.
This evening is trying to get the seating round the Big light on the 1880's scene.
Have found a image that shows the missing view that I would need for the SJB cottage,
so have ordered in some XPS foam in & if/When it turns up will give making the cottage a go.
Not like we don't got the time ?"
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