Here are some mash-ups from the raucous, and moving expressions of solidarity and appreciation for our NHS and careworkers.
Most of the sound from the first one, at the top of this page comes from my pals from Ulverston Jennie Dennett and Mark Greenhow, but there's also recordings from Steve Adams and Bill Bartlett, two dear, dear friends living in Barcelona and Knaresborough, and another from Alex Mark Hanson, a feller I've never met but whose stuff I always enjoy when it comes up online. Alex is on lead vocals from his balcony in central London. Elsewhere are exerpts from shout-outs different parts of town sent in by friends and neighbours
Its a measure of the potency of these evenings that there have been attempts to hijack them, to co-opt a genuine, joyous demonstration of thanks for the people who are trying to keep us alive, into something to be mined for positive sounds and images by consultants and strategists. (It didnt work, by the way.)
I hope no-one minds us posting this record of these nights,they're here because this blog tracks a project on the mediators of communal memory, and these shout-outs are leaving a trace in the streets we live in; we will see and hear it in the places where we will meet, and it will sweeten the times that we will share.
Itll be a while yet, but we will tell stories about this time, about acts of kindness and generosity, about unexpected joys and about sadness and loss. We will enjoy and value each others company, and we will remember these minutes, where we knew we were all together in love and thanks to our health services and the people that work within them.
Here, heard from under the velux, in the streets, from the tops of hills and city centre blocks , sharing space with birdsong, traffic and wind are some fragments of this Rough Music; chimes, bits of Tupperware, Refs whistles from Derbyshire, some Gulls, clown cars, whistling, sirens, Melodion, Clog dancing, bells, cowbell (?) cheers, fireworks, some miscellaneous food container call 'n response, a Lone Saucepan, and bits of conversation across streets and garden walls..
Your grandkids will bore thier grandkids with stories of these nights.
I'll put the original files and links up too eventually if thats ok with everyone
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